Training & Services

We believe that only by embracing a Kingdom mindset will individuals, cultures and nations be healed.

For Coaches, Counselors and Healing Practitioners:

Dr. Jessica Stone has been training and equipping coaches, counselors, and healing practitioners for 25 years. She has a deep desire to help these healers and people of influence find their own personal restoration and understanding of biblical principles that lead to lasting freedom, so they can go and teach these same truths to those around them. Jessica’s apostolic heart combined with Kingdom vision have helped many ministries, churches, and coaching centers to bear greater fruit in their work, causing a trickle-down effect of healing and teaching that will impact future generations. 

In 1-3 sessions most coaches experience significant personal healing and acquire practical tools to help their own clientele be set free.

“Strategy Sessions” are $299/hour.

For Sermons, Church Staff Trainings & Women’s Events

Dr. Jessica Stone enjoys sharing Kingdom mindset messages at church services, church staff trainings, and as a speaker for women’s retreats/events. Jessica has a unique way of translating complex spiritual concepts into practical applications that produce immediate results, helping people of all age, gender, and denomination to experience healing and freedom in their minds and in their physical bodies. It is always Jessica’s hope that those who attend will share what they have learned with others, bringing the good news of the Gospel to every atmosphere they enter. 

$500-$2000 + traveling expenses. A quote will be given to you at the time of your inquiry.

For Business Owners & Ministry Leaders

Dr. Jessica has been helping business and ministry leaders find healing for 25 years. Healed leaders transforms the culture around them and will affect others with greater impact when they, themselves, have experienced spiritual deliverance and God’s healing love. It is only through deeper revelation of biblical truth that leaders can be strategic in their ability to use their God-given authority and create change in this world through establishing Kingdom standards in their mountain of influence. Jessica helps them to discover their Spirit-led blueprint for this process. 

Basic 5-hour package that can be used by one individual, or invite up to 12 leaders to experience these teachings in a team setting. 

5 hour business advisory is $2500 online or + traveling expenses on location.
Custom business options for seminars or individual consultations: prices vary.

  • “When God called me into a role as a healing practitioner for His Kingdom, Dr. Jessica Stone was the first person I called. It was her ability to guide me in my own healing journey that led me to be a more well-rounded and effective coach for women, marriage, and families. Jessica’s wisdom and God-given revelations in the area of healing from a biblical perspective are priceless.”

    -Amy, Marriage Coach

  • “Dr. Jessica Stone helped me walk through some of the darkest times of my life. She showed me the love of Christ and walked alongside me to help me heal the wounds and broken places in me that I thought were impossible to fix. Today I am a better person, pastor, and counselor because of her.”

    -Diane, Pastor and Christian Counselor

  • “My life has been forever changed by Dr. Jessica Stone, through her guidance to heal my mind, body, and soul. Her wisdom and practical tools help to set people free and stay healed. My time spent working with her was not only a benefit to me as a marriage coach, but it continues to affect everyone that I am now walking alongside, to help them in their healing journey.”

    –Heather, Marriage Coach

  • “Dr. Jessica Stone has provided training for our church staff and spoken for our women's retreat. Her depth of experience and knowledge paired with her Holy Spirit anointing is a great gift to the Body of Christ. She holds fast to Biblical truth and uses it to dismantle unhealthy thought patterns and re-frame people’s thinking to align with Christ and live in freedom. Our team continues to utilize the tools she taught us for our own personal health and in ministry application, to bring healing to others.”

    -Kelly, Co-Head Pastor

  • “Dr. Jessica Stone is an excellent communicator of God’s Word to both men and women.  When she speaks, whether on the stage or off the stage, her words are both comforting and compelling!”

    -Dave, Head Pastor

  • “Dr. Jessica Stone brings a powerful combination of passion, presence, and knowledge to the stage. Her love for people is obvious, her stage presence is commanding, and her Biblical knowledge is stellar. She teaches boldness & conviction with love and compassion. Absolutely everyone in attendance was moved by her message, it was literally life-changing.”

    -Karla, Women’s Event Leader/Organizer

  • "Dr. Jessica Stone with Kingdom Mindset is one of the most knowledgeable and versed women in scripture, along with the process of soul health and renewal. I can attest to her precision and unparalleled accuracy in identifying hindrances, hurdles, traumas or limiting beliefs that block an individual from experiencing their freest and fullest identity, mindset, and life purpose. Her consulting practice is a breakthrough decision for any leader or corporation looking to increase fulfillment and fruitfulness in and through their life, family, team, and business. You will not be disappointed in hiring Dr. Stone. The ROI is eternal!"

    -Anna, Principal/CCO

  • "As a business owner, the leadership and authority for the foundation of our company rests with me. With the tools Dr. Jesica Stone gave me about having a Kingdom Mindset, I have seen an immediate impact, first with me and then with our employees and clients. The weapons of our warfare are spiritual, tearing down strongholds in our thinking. While I implement in the natural the things needed for a successful life and business, the enemy is always ready to tear down what is being built for God's glory. Because of Dr. Stone's guidance I have a better understanding of how to destroy the enemy's plans."

    -Karin, Business Owner