Dr. Jessica Stone

After providing over 25 years of professional counseling, Dr. Jessica Stone is building from her career experiences to provide revolutionary training materials, books, blogs, and podcasts, releasing radical levels of freedom and healing to her readers and listeners. In 2015, Jessica published her first book, “The Divine Marriage”, which brought healing and restoration to hundreds of marriages, but is currently no longer in publication.

In 2020 she published a 40-day, eight-week Bible Study based on 1 Peter 3, entitled “Modern-day Holy Women.” This was a work of love as she has such a passion to equip women with the Word of God so that they would be set free mentally and emotionally, and to become the best version of themselves, as a wife, a mother, a leader…whatever a woman might be struggling with, there is hope and healing in the person of Jesus.

Then in 2023, after over 20 years of counseling, Dr. Stone published “Breaking Free from Dis”. She realized a common thread in clients who became stuck in negative thought patterns. As an observer of human emotions she realized how people in mental and emotional bondage often described their feelings with words that began with the prefix "dis".  In this simple and yet profound training guide, you will discover why there is a spiritual key to breaking free from discouragement, disappointment, disapproval…Not only will you learn how to heal your mind and emotions from "dis" but the weapons of warfare you will learn through this 30 day journey will equip you to fight EVERY battle in your mind!

For those of you who are looking for resources and tools for healing, download the“Kingdom Mindset ” mobile app where you can take her Masterclass, packed with lessons that expose common areas of false worldly teachings that lead individuals to experience confusion and a lack of progress in their mental and emotional healing. The app also includes free resources and set-prayers to aid in your immediate need for healing and freedom. Book a Strategy Session today to receive your personalized battle plan, for your own breakthrough and for the benefit of those within your sphere of influence.

“Your Kingdom destiny awaits…and it all begins with a mindset.”

— Dr. Jessica Stone

We exist to establish Kingdom Mindset standards in all nations.

Our Vision is:

All lives set free. 

Our Mission is:

To speak, advise and provide training materials to healing practitioners, leaders and influencers globally.

We Believe:

We believe that only in surrendering to Jesus can we fulfill our destiny. 

We believe that true freedom happens when our minds are renewed. 

We believe that Christianity as a whole has not had a Kingdom mindset. 

We believe that only by embracing a Kingdom mindset will individuals, cultures and nations be healed.

The NEW Kingdom Mindset Podcast

Setting Kingdom Mindset standards with health practitioners, influencers and leaders globally.
Setting all lives free. Activating Kingdom assignments.