The missing link to your healing
Many mental health issues such as anger, anxiety, and depression often have a root of bitterness and unforgiveness. Bitterness is an emotion birthed from extended periods of unforgiveness. As a professional counselor, I would help my clients unpack their life stories, and almost always at the source of their emotional pain was a person or an event they were having a hard time forgiving. Often, especially in the case of anxiety, the person they struggled to forgive the most was themselves. Funny how some of us can rationalize the importance of forgiving others but then, do not have that same grace and forgiveness for ourselves. Many people hold themselves and others to very high standards of moral and emotional conduct, and when they fall short of these impossible goals, they live in unforgiveness, believing they (or others) do not deserve to be forgiven.
If we claim to be Christians, we must come to acknowledge that the foundation of our faith is based on forgiveness. That Jesus died on the cross to set us free from sin and death and this was a free gift called grace. If accepting forgiveness from Jesus is the keyto our salvation and eternal life, then forgiveness is the key to walking in freedom and victory here on this earth. And to withhold forgiveness is the key that leads to a prison of bondage mentally and spiritually… and it will eventually affect you physically.
One of the most detrimental factors that interfere with our ability to hear God’s voice and to receive His blessings, is to be in unforgiveness. The gates of Heaven that lead to deliverance, healing and further revelations are held open by what Jesus did at the cross, establishing an open line of communication and relationship with the Father, given to us while we were yet sinners. God is full of grace and mercy, He has unconditional love for you, but Satan does not. Satan and his evil realm are legalistic and will use spiritual laws and pervert truth in every possible way, to make God’s people suffer. Satan is always looking for a loophole, a reason to accuse and to hold a believer in bondage to shame, offense, and resentment. Unforgiveness opens a spiritual door, giving the evil realm access to torture you.
The key to hope, healing and a life of victory is to forgive others, forgive yourself and to repent often, as Satan and his evil army would like nothing more than to deceive you into thinking you are without sin, or convince you that you are NOT holding yourself or others in unforgiveness. Take time to reflect and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal any hidden areas of sin or unforgiveness in your life. Using the advice found in First Corinthians 2:10-13, I ask the Holy Spirit to search me, to reveal to me what my own mind and emotions might choose to conceal, to expose to me what only God sees and knows. God is so holy and righteous that as human beings we do not instinctually think like He does, so sometimes it is only through the revelation of His Spirit that we are able to confess that which might be holding us captive. Holding you back from healing, from receiving, and from truly thriving as God would intend for your life.
To hear more, check out “Spiritual Protection from Mental and Physical Illnesses”
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Dr. Jessica Rothmeyer was a professional counselor for 20 years before transitioning to her new ministry, Kingdom Mindset, which offers advisory services, resource materials and seminars. It is her mission to establish Kingdom mindset standards in all nations, releasing transformation through God’s Word to individuals, healing practitioners and influencers globally. Check out her latest book, “It Time for a Revolution” for a practical guide in renewing your mind and experiencing radical healing.